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Preventing diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases

Promote Ukraine

From 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2026

Promote Ukraine is taking part in Preventia, EU4Health-funded project that was granted in 2023 and started in January

2024. By participating in the project, we continue our work in supporting Ukrainians under temporary protection in Belgium and across EU.

Together with a consortium of members and partners from across Europe, including the Croatian Consumer Education and Information Center (Ceip), the Lithuanian Consumer Institute, the Union for Working Consumers of Greece, – EEKE, the Italian Consumers Defense Union (U.Di.Con), the Italian Consumers Defense Union (U.Di.Con), the Italian social promotion association Amici Obesi, SAFE, and Promote Ukraine we developed a three-year duration project called “NCDs prevention and health promotion through training, networking and awareness-raising across the EU – EUPr3ventNCDs“, or Preventia, with the overarching aims to:

Reduce health inequalities across the EU;

Decrease the spreading of NCDs across the EU,

– Foster cooperation and exchanges between the EU Member States.

Through a set of relevant Work Packages and tasks, the project will unfold according to three main dimensions: Capacity-building and training, Networking and cooperation and Campaigning and awareness-raising.

The project’s specific objectives are to:
– Enhance the cooperation and peer-learning of civil society across the EU in the fight against NCDs, with a special emphasis on stakeholders from Ukraine;
– Encourage the exchanges and best practices and mobility opportunities of health and nutrition workforce across the EU;
– Improve health literacy of younger generations on NCDs prevention through training on healthy eating habits and childhood obesity;
– Reduce health inequalities across the EU (and beyond) through inclusive activities for vulnerable groups;
– Raise awareness of citizens at large through participatory and interactive campaigns;
– Empower consumers to make better informed and more nutritious food choices through innovative digital tools;
– Analyse and assess national policies related to NCDs prevention;
– Advocate for new EU policy approaches based on the Member States’ needs;
– Widely and effectively communicate about the project and give visibility to its activities;
– Promote and disseminate the project deliverables among targeted audience across the EU.

The kick-off meeting in Brussels

On 15 February, Preventia held its kick-off meeting in Brussels, which saw the participation of the project partners, as well as Stefan Craenen from DG SANTE and Hülya Okuyan from HaDEA.

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