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Urgent call to Belgian Senate to support a resolution of air defence for Ukraine

To the Belgian Federal Senators,

On behalf of Promote Ukraine, a Brussels-based NGO since 2014, we extend our deepest gratitude for Belgium’s steadfast support of Ukraine amidst the ongoing conflict. Your contributions, totaling €111.19 million in humanitarian aid, €351.01 million in military support, and €30.9 million towards recovery efforts, have been instrumental in aiding those affected by the crisis.


As you are aware, the recent offensive in the Kharkiv region has underscored the urgent need for more robust air defense systems. The Wall Street Journal reports a critical interception rate of only 30%, leaving the majority of Russian missiles to devastate civilian and infrastructural targets.


The harrowing missile strike on Chernihiv on April 17, 2024, which resulted in 17 civilian deaths and over 60 injuries, is a stark reminder of the escalating threat. The systematic targeting of cities like Odesa and Kharkiv, and the destruction of key energy facilities, including the Trypilska thermal power plant, have plunged millions into darkness and despair.


In light of these dire circumstances, Ukraine’s request for at least 7 new air defense systems cannot be overstated. The provision of sustainable military support is not only vital for Ukraine’s defense but also for the liberation of its people and the attainment of peace in Europe.


We urge your party to recognize the gravity of this situation and support the upcoming resolution on setting up a joint European air defense fund and prioritizing the production and refurbishing of air defense for your allies. This decisive action, set for vote in the Federal Senate on Friday, May 18, will significantly bolster Ukraine’s defensive capabilities and will prevent human losses, please make this difference for our people.


Belgium’s commitment to this cause serves as an investment in Europe’s collective security, countering the potential spread of conflict beyond Ukraine’s borders. The Kremlin’s narrative, framing the war as a geopolitical struggle against the West, only heightens the need for a unified and resolute response.


By standing with Ukraine, Belgium also counters Russian aggression that has afflicted nations worldwide, namely in Europe, Africa and Latin America, for many decades. The support extended to Ukraine is a stand against the pervasive influence of entities like PMC Wagner and the imposition of puppet regimes.


We commend your party’s dedication to Ukraine’s plight and implore you to maintain this solidarity. Belgium’s presidency in the Council of the European Union positions it to lead a coalition of EU states in delivering critical military aid to Ukraine.


In anticipation of your affirmative response, we thank you for setting a precedent of courage and support that will resonate across Europe and will make a true humanitarian impact.

Warm regards,

NGO Promote Ukraine

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